Category: Students Journey

APM Educational Project is a campaign that brings awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and addresses the importance of early intervention and the effectiveness of APM treatment. Follow us to learn more about Autism and ABA Early Intervention! Frank is currently 5 years and 6 months old, now attending a special school in Hong Kong. He […]

Story of Nicholas Liu Jichin (a 16-year-old young man with ASD) from South China Morning Post A confident and gregarious youth, 16-year-old Nicholas Liu Jichin had an audience of several hundred people at Chinese University enthralled last November. His 30-minute talk at an autism conference turned into a two-hour session, as parents plied him with […]

My name is Michael Tanzer and I am 26 years old. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, I wear glasses like my parents and I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I can write and understand in different languages like French, Japanese, German, Spanish, Korean and Hindi. My favourite TV show is South Park, because I […]

APM Education Project is a campaign that brings awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and address the importance of early intervention and effectiveness of APM treatment. Follow us to learn more about Autism and ABA Early Intervention! Paul is currently 3 years and 11 month old, now attending K2 (Kindergarten) in Hong Kong. He was diagnosed […]

APM Education Project is a campaign that brings awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and address the importance of early intervention and effectiveness of APM treatment. Follow us to learn more about Autism and ABA Early Intervention! Mia is currently 2 years and 2 months old. Mia’s parents reported that Mia is non-verbal, and can only […]

Etash is sitting at a kid’s play table with two other kids and enjoying playing the monopoly game. He looks no difference from all other 5-year-old children – cheerful, attentive and talkative. But actually Etash was diagnosed with autism when he was about 2.5 years old in India. At that time, the doctor suggested Etash […]

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