Category: APM Technique Teaching Videos, a ABA resource website aims to spark your creativity, and spark your very own unique programming ideas for different children with autism using a more progressive style of ABA. The website lists over 400 training videos, 100 ABA articles and 50 Research papers. New video programs update weekly. We emphasize on teaching children with […]

Etash is sitting at a kid’s play table with two other kids and enjoying playing the monopoly game. He looks no difference from all other 5-year-old children – cheerful, attentive and talkative. But actually Etash was diagnosed with autism when he was about 2.5 years old in India. At that time, the doctor suggested Etash […]

Parent’s concern: My child would not listen to teacher in class. At home, he can follow instructions but ignore them totally in class. What should I do? There are 3 main reasons why children with ASD cannot follow instructions in class. Hands-on #1: How to increase students’ awareness to teacher’s instructions in class: Hands-on #2: […]

Parent’s concern: My daughter is a picky and slow eater. She only eats things she likes and when she eats anything she hates (green vegetable) she will puke it out. Very hard to deal with, anything I can do to make her eat more different things? Picky eating is a common problem among children with ASD. […]

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