Tag: children with ASD

We believe that every child has the potential to learn, this is the same for children with autism. However, many children with autism are unable to begin their learning journey because of their lack of compliance, which is also known as non-compliance. Child non-compliance can be exhibited by either the child passively (e.g. by ignoring […]

It is not easy to be the parent of a child with ASD. There are joyous moments, but there is no denying the challenges parents face, and the stresses these take. We are honored to have a few families to share the joys and challenges of bringing up their child with autism. Often what parents […]

Since 1994, Autism Partnership (AP) has been committed to providing quality behavioral treatment for children with ASD. Having conducted over 100 peer reviewed researches and nearly 30 years of clinical works in different countries, we found that with quality early intensive intervention, children with ASD have the potential to make great gains that lead to […]

[:en]Throughout decades, new intervention methods for ASD have emerged one after another, but the effectiveness of these treatments remains controversial. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is considered by most as the “gold standard” therapy for autism; it is evidence-based, scientifically-proven and has come from decades of scientific research. However, there are still controversy around ABA therapy.[vc_row][vc_column_text] […]

[:zh] 入讀幼稚園對孩子來說是一個重要的成長階段。小朋友可以在幼稚園裡學習獨立地自理,學習跟其他小朋友相處等等的技巧,這些體驗都能幫助他們為下一個發展階段做好準備。 但這些看似很簡單的事情,對於有發展遲緩或患有自閉症的兒童來說往往比較吃力。由於他們獨特的能力和缺失,他們往往需要額外去學習一些基本的技能,才能融入學校生活。 一般家長和老師在思考「我的孩子準備好上學了嗎?」都會很自然地把重點放在小朋友的語言和理解能力方面,但SEN家長在思考這個問題時,需要衡量的則是一系列「我的孩子能不能…」的具體能力清單,例如: • 能不能安坐? • 能不能積極參與回答問題? • 能不能識別班房内不同的指令? • 能不能跟其他小朋友相處? 家長讓孩子上學的初心是希望上學對孩子的成長有益處,他們能在學校有持續的進步。因此,家長必須意識到如果孩子還未準備好上學,貿然把他們送去學校其實是弊多於利的。 在本系列的講座中,Autism Partnership的應用行為分析治療顧問將跟家長們探討患有自閉症的兒童入學的必備條件,並為具體的技巧範疇(包括聽從指令、如廁及進食的自理能力、自發性溝通)提供針對性的建議。希望能幫助各家長客觀評估孩子的能力,並為孩子未達標的能力展開針對性的訓練。 自閉症小朋友入讀幼稚園前的必備技能 專題講座直播 直播平台:YouTube 語言: 廣東話 日期及時間 主題 講者 9月16日(四) 6-7PM 自閉症幼兒入讀幼稚園前的準備 陸皓昕 Eunice Luk 國際認證行為分析師 9月20日(一) 1-2PM 教導孩子有效地學習和聽從指令 馮耀文 Raymond Fung 國際認證行為分析師 9月23日(四) 6-7PM 如何訓練自閉症幼童如廁 吳婉茵  Teresa Ng 國際認證行為分析師 9月27日(一) 1-2PM 學習處理自閉症兒童的進食問題 馮耀文 Raymond Fung 國際認證行為分析師 9月30日(四) 6-7PM 如何有效地運用強化物建立溝通動機 張文傑 […]

[:en] My child doesn’t like to come to study. Sometimes, when it gets difficult, he will start stimming and do all sorts of things, and he doesn’t pay attention anymore. What can I do? – QUESTION FROM A PARENT DURING OUR ONLINE SEMINAR Q&A SESSION IN MAY 2020 Parents and caregivers of children with ASD […]

[:en][vc_row][vc_raw_html]JTNDZGl2JTIwY2xhc3MlM0QlMjJjb250YWluZXIlMjIlM0UlMEElM0NpZnJhbWUlMjBzcmMlM0QlMjIlMkYlMkZ3d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20lMkZlbWJlZCUyRnhnN2htc1FjcG1JJTIyJTBBZnJhbWVib3JkZXIlM0QlMjIwJTIyJTIwYWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuJTIwY2xhc3MlM0QlMjJ2aWRlbyUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRmlmcmFtZSUzRSUwQSUzQyUyRmRpdiUzRQ==[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text] About AP – The Largest and most established ABA service provider in Hong Kong Autism Partnership (AP) is one of the largest and most established Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) service providers for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the world. Formed in 1994 in the United States, AP is run by professional clinicians and specializes […]

[:en] Learning motivation has a great impact on students’ learning progress in both one-to-one and group settings. In AP, we put huge emphasis on developing and expanding students’ interest on a regular basis. In one-to- one therapy, staff work very hard in expanding students’ interest in toys, activities and social reinforcement. However, it might not […]

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