Category: ABA Training Articles

Social awareness is an important piece of social skills. It involves discriminating and understanding social cues. For example, recognizing social communication signals, identifying preferences and non-preferences of others, being aware of others’ emotions etc. It functions as a prerequisite for other social skills. A person needs to be aware of and understand what is going […]

One common myth of ABA therapy is that ABA is a compliance training that turns children into passive learners. This deals with a misconception that in ABA therapy, children are not taught to be independent thinkers but merely trained to react to specific instructions. Same with any learning, no matter in ABA therapy, at school […]

I believe many parents will find the below scenario not uncommon: My child has injured himself/herself and the wound started to bleed. The moment we put the Band-Aid on his/her wound, he/she would rip it off straight away. No matter how hard we have tried, my child refused to have the Band-Aid or anything on […]

This article is only available in Chinese. To read in Chinese, please click on this page.

Children with ASD often exhibit difficulties in understanding abstract social cues and social interactions. They may be very sensitive to changes and have difficulties in communicating with others. As they reach schooling ages, they begin to face a variety of challenges in school such as learning in a group setting, undergoing rapid transitions and developing […]

This article is only available in Chinese. To read in Chinese, please click on this page.

  Life is like a drama and the unexpected can lie just around any corner. To be thankful for or to be frightened of what will happen, will depend largely on your attitude. Mrs. Lam, who already has raised 2 healthy and energetic daughters, did not expect that her third daughter Hengyu would succumb to […]

If you are a parent of a child with ASD, it is crucial to understand and appreciate your child’s uniqueness, and be prepared for the bittersweet journey ahead. When Mr. Chan discovered his daughter, Annie, was diagnosed with ASD, he immediately sought for various interventions as early as possible. Mrs. Chan recalled, “My husband told […]

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