Category: ABA Training Articles

In the past 16 years, I have met with many parents and there is a common concern they have shared with me, which is whether their children will become the target of bullying. Some of our students in our center have encountered different levels of bullying, such as being called names, false accusations, or goaded […]

In the idea of Integrated Education, students with special educational needs (SEN) often experience challenges in mainstream school settings. They may face difficulties in following class routines, learning skills in class, and interacting with teachers and peers. And often, these skills cannot be self-learned in a short period of time, but required external coaching and […]

代名詞 ── 一種常用的詞類,卻是使自閉症孩子最容易感到混亂的概念。 大多數自閉症孩子會顛倒代名詞,例如當有人問他:「你叫甚麼名字啊?」孩子會回答:「你叫 明仔(孩子的名字)。」 今期與大家分享的便是如何教導孩子運用代名詞。 第一部分 理解及明白代名詞 首先放兩件物件在孩子面前,然後對孩子說:「你拿XX,我拿YY。」然後讓孩子跟隨指令先拿其中一樣物件。當孩子能夠掌握後,便改變為:「你拿YY,我拿XX。」 第二部分 運用代名詞指示別人 放兩件物件在孩子面前並對孩子說:「你現在做老師吧。」然後引導孩子說:「你拿XX,我拿YY。」此時,家長應立刻跟隨孩子的指示而作出回應;之後逐漸減少對孩子的引導,讓孩子獨立地運用「你」和「我」說出指令。 當孩子懂得用「你」和「我」去指示別人拿東西後,便可改為指示別人作出不同的動作或活動,例如「你食香蕉,我飲水。」 第三部分 能夠運用代名詞回答問題 A. 訓練孩子回答物件屬誰 B. 孩子和家長各拿著一些物件,然後問孩子:「誰人有XX?」孩子要用「我」或「你」作出回答 C. 問孩子剛剛誰人做了某一件事,例如「誰人剛才吃了糖?」 當孩子掌握了「你」和「我」後,便可加入「他」。 家長需留意,當孩子答對時,應立即予以口頭讚賞並避免使用代名詞,以免混淆孩子。 原文: Oh!爸媽 -【Quincy Lau】你我他

The following questions have been looping in my head (probably endless) since their kids were born. “Are international schools better than local schools?” “What exactly is International Baccalaureate (IB)?” “Is it realistic, or even possible, for me to find a school that has less homework and exams?” “How should I prepare my child for the […], a ABA resource website aims to spark your creativity, and spark your very own unique programming ideas for different children with autism using a more progressive style of ABA. The website lists over 400 training videos, 100 ABA articles and 50 Research papers. New video programs update weekly. We emphasize on teaching children with […]

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To teach children with ASD the social game, Rainbow Leader, they should first have some prerequisite skills including the following: Matching skills Colour concept Scanning Checking in Recap: How to teach Children with ASD Social Games

In Hong Kong, supports and resources are insufficient for the children with autism and very often the waiting period delays the therapies for children during the critical developmental period. Finding the suitable therapy in Hong Kong is not easy and Kasey’s father has also tried many various therapies after having confirmed Kasey is diagnosed with […]

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