Category: ABA Training Articles

Attention deficit is a common problem found in children with autism. It is not uncommon that these children would not be able to complete tasks independently. Constant reminders are required from parents or teachers in order to make sure they sustain tasks or activities. For example, when a parent asks a child to change their […]

Since 2007, Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) has carried out school services to meet the learning needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and to assist them in their studies by using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) approach. In order to provide appropriate and high-quality education services, we have expanded our service scale and established AP […]

Children with autism may not be strongly interested in playing with others and would not frequently engage in social activities. Additionally, social games often involve rules that are difficult for our students to understand. Therefore, we may need to create social activities that allow our students to enjoy their interaction with others. The social activities […]

April is World Autism Awareness month. Throughout the month, people around the world focus on sharing stories and providing opportunities to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, fostering worldwide support. Let’s see what people in Hong Kong know about Autism and what YOU know about Autism. What are the symptoms of Autism Spectrum […]

We believe that every child has the potential to learn, this is the same for children with autism. However, many children with autism are unable to begin their learning journey because of their lack of compliance, which is also known as non-compliance. Child non-compliance can be exhibited by either the child passively (e.g. by ignoring […]

Children with autism have the potential to learn just like any child does. However, many children with autism are unable to begin their learning journey because of their lack of compliance, which is also known as non-compliance. Is it possible for your child to learn if they do not listen and follow instructions and just […]

One thing that parents and teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder are concerned about is their child’s social skills. Hoping that their children will play nicely with peers, some common skills that therapists and teachers usually target at the beginning are turn taking or sharing. However, at AP, we believe that developing social interest […]

Getting your child to sit through the whole meal can be quite a big challenge. Very often at meal times, children walk around and play with their toys; and when parents try to stop them, they throw big tantrums. So how do we get our child to sit through the meals? Here are some strategies […]

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