Category: ABA Training Articles

A vital aspect of language training in ABA is what we call “discrimination.” When we use that word, we are referring to the ability to differentiate between two things. In other words, knowing what a thing is and what it is not. Understanding discrimination can allow therapists to systematically build their students’ understanding of concepts. […]

APM Education Project is a campaign that brings awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and address the importance of early intervention and effectiveness of APM treatment. Follow us to learn more about Autism and ABA Early Intervention! Paul is currently 3 years and 11 month old, now attending K2 (Kindergarten) in Hong Kong. He was diagnosed […]

During the epidemic period and after school resumes, due to changes in the way of living and learning caused by home restrictions, coupled with the psychological pressure, many parents have reported that their children have repeated behavior problems of varying degrees such as non-compliance, temper tantrums, and even aggression towards others or themselves. These behaviors […]

Child development is an ongoing process with certain sequences. In general, when children reach a certain age and stage, they will have the corresponding changes in their physical, cognitive, language, behavior and social abilities. By the age of 2, your baby will be able to perform these skills: Social and Emotional Language / Communication Cognitive […]

Sustaining attention is one of the most crucial factors to improve learning efficiency. Parents are often concerned when their children fail to stay focused in a task or being easily distracted while completing a task. Due to the covid situation, many students have to learn through online platforms, which could be even more challenging for […]

How to support children to respond truthfully, or accurately, to us? [ Recap Part 1 ] Children lie to avoid punishment or responsibility, seeking attention from others, or to protect another person. Often, these behaviours happen after children find themselves in a conflicted situation or after they misbehave. While some lies can be simple (such […]

My son, Zhang, is now 8 years old and though he is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), to me he is just like other normal children, unique and special. To many others, Zhang appears to be a good looking little gentleman. However, compared to other children, the time and effort I spent to take […]

Grow at Your Own Pace(Sharing after 1.5 years of training in AP) Cheuk Cheuk is a cute little boy with an adorable smile. He has been receiving full day intensive #ABA training at AP HK since December 17, 2018 at 2 years and 6 months old. “Mum mum” was the only word that he could […]

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