Category: ABA Training Articles

APM Education Project is a campaign that brings awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and address the importance of early intervention and effectiveness of APM treatment. Follow us to learn more about Autism and ABA Early Intervention! Mia is currently 2 years and 2 months old. Mia’s parents reported that Mia is non-verbal, and can only […]

Parent’s Question: My child is now eight years old and studying in Primary 2 in a mainstream school. He can speak, but his social skills and comprehension skills are not very good. I think he’s been sort of lying. For example, he had a PE class in school, but when I ask him if he […]

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often exhibit challenging behavioral problems such as tantrums, aggression, and non-compliance which are difficult to handle for school teachers and parents. What can teachers and parents do?  Here are some tips to help you manage challenging behaviors: Stop and think before intervening to manage challenging behaviors. Attempt to understand […]

The Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) in the United States has been committed to providing advancing effective methodology and behavior analytic intervention for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to reach their fullest potential and have an independent and high-quality life. In addition to providing assistance and support to individuals and families with ASD, APF […]

Lack of initiation to communicate is a core issue in individuals with ASD with various levels of language ability and various functioning levels. Although some autistic children have age-appropriate language skills, it’s typical for them to talk to others only when they need to fulfil own needs like requesting items and asking for help, rather […]

Self-talking is a kind of self-stimulatory behaviours that all of us would do. It can serve the functions of helping us to attend to reading tasks, retaining long information, or even reassuring our beliefs. For example, we would repeat ‘I can do it’ to ourselves when we attempt a daunting task. But for individuals with […]

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often have a tendency to run away when they are strolling on the street with their family. These behaviors concern parents greatly since it is dangerous. Meanwhile, it also makes the parents feel embarrassed for running after or shouting at their child on the street. However, in most cases, […]

In Part 2, we will discuss how to help children who may be way too assertive and may use extreme ways such as snatching back, aggression to deal with situation when their toys are taken away. children who exhibit these behaviors probably has learnt from the past experience that snatching back is usually very effective […]

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