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提倡优质且有效的自闭症疗法是Autism Partnership的使命。

在过去10年,Autism Partnership及Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) 研究团队合共发表125篇文章。在50多名共同研究人员的协助下,我们有近100篇文章获刊登于同行评审的期刊。


「 应用行为分析 」(ABA) 对患有自闭症儿童的的成效研究学报
  • Lovaas, O. I. (1987). Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 55(1), 3.
  • Howard, J. S., Sparkman, C. R., Cohen, H. G., Green, G., & Stanislaw, H. (2005). A comparison of intensive behavior analytic and eclectic treatments for young children with autism. Research in developmental disabilities, 26(4), 359-383.
「 ABA 对自闭症儿童的成效 」- Autism Partnership及Autism Partnership Foundation同行评审研究论文
「Cool Versus Not Cool」课程研究学报
  • Jeremy A. Leaf, Justin B. Leaf, Christine Milne, Donna Townley-Cochran, Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf, Joseph H. Cihon, Mitchell Taubman, John McEachin, Ronald Leaf. (2016). Comparing Social Stories to Cool Versus Not Cool.. Education and Treatment of Children, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2016, 173-186.
  • Justin B. Leaf PhD, Mitchell Taubman PhD, Jeremy Leaf MA, Stephanie Dale MA, Kathleen Tsuji BA, Alyne Kassardjian MA, Aditt Alcalay BA, Christine Milne BA, Erin Mitchell MA, Donna Townley-Cochran MS, Ronald Leaf PhD, and John McEachin PhD. (2015). Teaching Social Interaction Skills Using Cool Versus Not Cool. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, Vol.37, No.4, 2015, 321–334.
  • Jeremy A. Leaf, Justin B. Leaf, Christine Milne, Donna Townley-Cochran, Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf, Joseph H. Cihon, Mitchell Taubman, John McEachin, and Ronald Leaf. (2016). The Effects of the Cool Versus Not Cool Procedure to Teach Social Game Play to Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Behav Analysis Practice, DOI: 10.1007/s40617-016-0112-5, Vol.9, Issue.1, 2016, 34–49.
  • Justin B. Leaf, Kathleen H. Tsuji, Brandy Griggs, Andrew Edwards, Mitchell Taubman, John McEachin, Ronald Leaf, and Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf. (2012). Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism Using the Cool versus Not Cool Procedure. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Vol.47, No.2, 2012, 165–175.
  • Justin B. Leaf, Mitchell Taubman, Christine Milne, Stephanie Dale, Jeremy Leaf, Donna Townley-Cochran, Kathleen Tsuji, Alyne Kassardjian, Aditt Alcalay, Ronald Leaf, and John McEachin. (2016). Teaching Social Communication Skills Using a Cool Versus Not Cool Procedure Plus Role-Playing and a Social Skills Taxonomy. Education and Treatment of Children, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2016, 44-63
  • Angel Au, Toby Mountjoy, Justin B. Leaf, Ronald Leaf, Mitchell Taubman, JohnMcEachin & Kathleen Tsuji. (2016). Teaching social behaviour to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder using the cool versus not cool procedure in a small group instructional format. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2016.1149799, Vol.41, Issue.2, 2016, 115-124.
  • Mitchell T. Taubman, Ronald B. Leaf, John J. McEachin, Sasha Papovich, Justin B. Leaf. (2013). A Comparison of Data Collection Techniques Used With Discrete Trial Teaching. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Volume 7, Issue 9, 2013, 1026–1034.
  • Justin B. Leaf, Kathleen H. Tsuji, Amy E. Lentell, Stephanie E. Dale, Alyne Kassardjian, Mitchell Taubman, John McEachin, Ronald Leaf and Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf. (2012). A Comparison of Discrete Trial Teaching Implemented in a One-to-one Instructional Format and in a Group Instructional Format. Behavioral Interventions, Volu 28, Issue 1, 2013, 82–106, DOI: 10.1002/bin.1357.
  • Justin B. Leaf, Stephanie Dale, Alyne Kassardjian, Kathleen H. Tsuji, Mitchell Taubman, John J. McEachin, and Ronald B. Leaf, and Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf. (2014). Comparing Different Classes of Reinforcement to Increase Expressive Language for Individuals with Autism. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 2014, 49(4), 533–546.
  • Yvonne Cheung, Kimberly A. Schulze, Justin B. Leaf, and Eric Rudrud. (2016). Teaching Community Skills to Two Young Children with Autism Using a Digital Self-Managed Activity Schedule. Exceptionality, 2016, VOL. 24, NO. 4, 241-250, DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2016.1215654
  • Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf, Justin B. Leaf, and Nikki A. Call. (2012). Teaching Board Games to Two Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, DOI: 10.1007/s10882-012-9274-4, Vol.24, Issue.4, 2012, 347–358.
  • Alyne Kassardjian, Mitchell Taubman, Eric Rudrud, Justin B. Leaf, Andrew Edwards, John McEachin, Ron Leaf, and Kim Schulze. (2013). Utilizing Teaching Interactions to Facilitate Social Skills in the Natural Environment. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2013, 245–257.
  • Wesley H. Dotson, Justin B. Leaf, Jan B. Sheldon, and James A. Sherman. (2010). Group teaching of conversational skills to adolescents on the autism spectrum. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 4, 2010, 199–209.
  • Justin B. Leaf1 & Donna Townley-Cochran, Mitchell Taubman, Joseph H. Cihon, Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf, Alyne Kassardjian, Ronald Leaf, John McEachin, and Tammy Galensky Pentz. (2015). The Teaching Interaction Procedure and Behavioral Skills Training For Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder a Review and Commentary. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, DOI: 10.1007/s40489-015-0060-y , Vol.2, Issue.4, 2015, 402–413.
  • Justin B. Leaf, Misty L. Oppenheim-leaf, Nikki A. Call, Jan B. Sheldon, James A. Sherman, Mitchell Taubman, John Mceachin, Jamison Dayharsh, and Ronald Leaf. (2012). Comparing the Teaching Interaction Procedure to Social Stories for People With Autism. Ournal of Applied Behavior Analysis 2012, Vol.45, No.2, 2012, 281–298.
  • Alyne Kassardjian, Justin B. Leaf, Daniel Ravid, Jeremy A. Leaf, Aditt Alcalay, Stephanie Dale, Kathleen Tsuji, Mitchell Taubman, Ronald Leaf, John McEachin, and Misty L. Oppenheim-Leaf. (2014). Comparing the Teaching Interaction Procedure to Social Stories: A Replication Study. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-014-2103-0, Vol.44, Issue.9, 2014, 2329–234.
  • Justin B. Leaf, Wesley H. Dotson, Misty L. Oppeneheim, Jan B. Sheldon, and James A. Sherman. (2009). The effectiveness of a group teaching interaction procedure for teaching social skills to young children with a pervasive developmental disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Vol.4, 2010, 186–198.





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