Follow Jamie’s ABA Journey

Jamie started full-day intensive ABA treatment at AP Singapore at the age of 2 years 10 months. Before receiving ABA intervention, Jamie’s parents shared that he does not use his words to communicate often. Even though he knows some words, he often relied on grabbing their arm or taking them to something he wanted, without making eye contact.

Although Jamie was generally able to listen to parents, he would cry and have meltdowns daily, especially when his requests were denied. This was a concern for his parents. As for playing, Jamie only liked playing with his older brother and his parents but not his younger sister and his peers. He would often push them away and scream when they approach him.

First Clinic Meeting with Jamie in January
Weekly Update – Jamie’s Progress in Week 2
Weekly Update – Jamie’s Progress in Week 4
Weekly Update – Jamie’s Progress in Week 8
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 3rd Month Progress (Part 1)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 3rd Month Progress (Part 2)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 3rd & 4th Month ABA Progress
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 7th Month ABA Progress
Food Tolerance Program
‘Cool’ or ‘Not Cool/Silly’ Program
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 8th Month ABA Progress (Part 1)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 8th Month ABA Progress (Part 2)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 9th Month ABA Progress (Part 1)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 9th Month ABA Progress (Part 2)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 10th Month ABA Progress (Part 1)
Monthly Update – Jamie’s 10th Month ABA Progress (Part 2)
Jamie’s 12 Month’s ABA Treatment Recap & Update
Jamie’s 2-Year ABA Therapy Progress: Socialising & Playing​

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